• GeaSphere

    GeaSphere campaigns for the protection of Southern African water resources and the threatened grassland ecosystem, and opposes the expansion and entrenchment of the industrial timber monoculture plantations.

    GeaSphere is a South African ‘Not for profit’ organisation registered in 2003.


    BACHI - Benessere Animale Collateral Healings is an International Community Interest Company weaving communities for Animal Wellbeing and Circular Health. A media consultancy and production house registered in the UK and serving the community of life.

    We support the campaign for the recognition of Ecocide as International Crime - Life should have standing above legal corporate entities. Benefits for all stakeholders, including Future Generations

  • Participation, play, cooperation

    Do you want to collaborate with us to make an even bigger impact?

    Shoes to play

    make a leap in the game

    for any enquiry about this initiative

    Please Email at BACollateralHealings@gmail.com